A reminder of the Special Meeting that has been scheduled at the rink for this Wednesday, November 5, at 6:30 PM. We need a quorum of seven (7) to conduct the business. I anticipate a very short meeting since the only item to be discussed and voted upon are the amendments as shown within this email.
In addition to the members who have already joined for this season, all of last year’s full members are still eligible to attend and to vote; Last year’s membership has a grace period until the end of November.
The meeting will start at sharp 6:30 PM with the building being back in darkness by 7:00 PM — if my anticipation is accurate. The last time (April 19, 2011) we did an amendment meeting it lasted mere minutes since all business then, as is now, was straight forward.
- Call to order (regrets)
Specific Agenda: Amendments to CAS’s By-laws due to the need to edit standing by-laws to include the following recommended changes based on the fact that the original CAS By-laws were written decades ago in the pre-electronic- communication era and also to reflect the clarity needs as applicable to CAS.
- Amendments to CAS By-laws
- Clause 2(B) 6. Membership: “Associate members” shall be amended and changed to “Social members”. Reason: Reflection of current requirements for clarity.
- Clause 3 (D) Change from “The annual dues for members may be paid in two installments, 50% before October 31 and the remainder by December 31.” Change recommended: “The annual dues for members may be paid in two installments, full or half-due payment must be made before 1st game is played and the remainder by January 31.” Reason: Financial requirements of Club require dues as early as possible while respecting members’ financial realities.
- Clause 4 (B) (1) Current: “The Club shall be administrated by an Executive (Officers), also referred to as a Board of Directors, consisting of Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) members-at-large.” To be added: “To be eligible to be a member of Club’s Executive, the person must be a regular adult member in good standing.” Reason: Executive membership eligibility clarity.
- Clause 7 (B) (2) Current: “At the Semi-Annual Meeting budgets must be presented along with memberships’ fee structures and other pertinent operational information.” To be added: “however, fee structures may be adjusted at any Special or General Meeting.” Reason: More flexibility with fee structure adjustments.
- Clause 12 (C) Current: Notice in writing of any proposed change(s) in the By-laws must be left with the Secretary at least two weeks and must be posted in the Club at least one week before such meeting.” To be amended: “Notice in writing of any change(s) in the By-laws to be proposed must be communicated with the Secretary, or Secretary’s designated replacement, at least one (1) week before such meeting and must be communicated to Club members at least five (5) days before such meeting; however, non-receipt of such notice by Club members shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting.” Reason: Reflection of reality of electronic communications now common.
- Clause 12 (D) Amendments: Months in which By-laws may be amended will be amended and changed from “November to March inclusive” to “October to March inclusive”. Reason: Expansion of months for By-laws amendment recommendations.
- Motion to adjourn