Our ExxonMobil/Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Skins Cash Bonspiel is now over and the results are in from both finals. In the ‘A’ final Team Dobson (Paula Dobson, Shauna Brymer, Iris Stanley, and Krista MacEachren) beat out Team Deagle (Nick Deagle, Mike Silver, Derek Druhan, and Jim Marlowe) for the big money. Their winnings totalled $605. Team Deagle went home with $100. In the ‘B’ final it was Team Mattie (Donalda Mattie, Kerstin Hanke, Paul Connolly, and Mary Connolly) beating out Team O’Leary (Kenny O’Leary, Kevin MacDonald, Joe Phalen, and Chris West). Team Mattie went home with $525 and Team O’Leary took home $180. We, as a club, wish to thank our major sponsors ExxonMobil and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline for their generous contribution of cash to the curling finals and also their help with door prizes. A big thank you to all who helped out getting this spiel up and running with food donations, ice prep, scheduling, phoning players, phoning food volunteers, cleaning, kitchen and bar help etc… For more pictures go to our Photo Gallery.