It has been mentioned numerous times that Chedabucto CC should have a stick-curling bonspiel. Your executive considers such a suggestion an excellent idea but we need others to work with us to get the stick delivery games going. Our hope is to have a stick-curling tournament in late November or early December as one of our two featured events before Christmas; the other being a “turkey shoot”. Basically, stick delivery games involve two curlers per team, with sweeping allowed only between the hog line and back of house, six end games and six rocks per player per end. With all of the demands upon the executive as we get the Chedabucto CC rink up and curling for another great season, the assistance of other members to help with the organizing of a stick curling tournament is vital. I guarantee that the organizing volunteers will receive all the assistance that they seek from the executive; it is just that the executive cannot do all that needs to be done by ourselves. Our rink currently has 18 members who use a delivery stick; surely two or three of those numbers will step forward to oversee another aspect of curling being added to our rink’s year. All curlers are welcome to participate in the stick delivery tournament(s) — but they must adhere to the Canadian Curling Association’s Stick Curling Rules. For the rules of stick curling, cut and paste the following: Any questions or to volunteer, contact me at your earliest convenience.
Cheers 🙂
Ray (902.533.2528)