Members, Juniors’ Parents & Supporters
We have reserved the St. Francis Harbour Hall for Friday, April 8, open at 6:00 PM for a 7:00 PM dinner, so as to enable us to enjoy another of Chedabucto CC’s popular season-closing dinner celebrations with the hope that many of you, along with your guests if desired, will be able to attend. This is not a rink fund-raiser therefore all moneys from tickets ordered / sold will be going to the St. Francis Harbour’s Ladies Auxiliary for their preparation of an excellent roast beef dinner along with veggies, rolls and a yummy dessert. The meal’s cost is only $18.00 (total) per adult and $12.00 for youngster’s 12 years old or younger. Sceles Realty has offered to pay the meals’ costs for our rink’s Junior curlers who are able to attend this celebratory gathering. During our evening we will be presenting the Club’s leagues’ awards and Juniors recognition items. When Chedabucto CC orders your dinners — Chedabucto CC must pay for that which was ordered — therefore once you inform me your intention to attend — your ticket’s cost is your commitment. When you communicate with me we can arrange your method of payment. The dinner is three weeks from this Friday but the Ladies Auxiliary want a couple weeks notice regarding our numbers so they can shop for the appropriate amount of food to prepare. That means that you must contact me by March 28 (Easter Monday) with your request for dinner tickets. This is an informal gathering with no head table or guest speakers, just members / friends having an enjoyable time together to celebrate what we all are so very fortunate to have via the Chedabucto Curling Club. Recognition as appropriate will be extended to those in attendance. There will be a buy-your-own bar service for those preferring to have a nip or two — and are of a legal drinking age. 🙂 Please check your calendar regarding your April 8 evening and get back to me ASAP.
Hoping to see many of you in St. Francis Harbour Hall and with my best regards,
Ray (email reply, in person or 902.533.2528)