Juniors pizzas awards and shot to the button winners on March 30….

Last Wednesday, March 30, Chedabucto CC had its awarding of pizzas to two of its Junior curlers for their successes with the selling of the rink’s 50/50 tickets. The pizzas were donated to Chedabucto’s Junior League by AA Munro Insurance, Antigonish.  AA Munro Insurance’s much appreciated generosity and assistance definitely served as an incentive to encourage the Juniors to sell the rink’s 50/50 tickets. At Wednesday’s season-concluding Juniors session — as selected by the usual method of random draws based on who sold complete or partial books — the two Juniors to receive Big G’ large pizzas were Ryan Sangster and Vanessa Dort. My thanks goes to the Juniors, their parents, families, and friends who assisted with the selling of the 50/50 tickets — and also to AA Munro Insurance for making our awarding of pizzas possible.

Also at the conclusion of last Wednesday’s curling session there was the usual “hot shoot” draws to the button with chocolate bars as rewards for the closest boy’s and girl’s rock to the pin.  With several bars remaining in the bar, and last Wednesday being the final “hot shot” to the button for this season, we gave four bars to the closest rocks to the pins. The winners of the bars were Ryan Casey (10″), Jonah Worth (13″),  Vanessa Dort (55″) and Jenna Dort (184″). Congratulations to those four curlers.

Last Wednesday was the final day of Chedabucto CC’s Junior curling for this season. On behalf of the Chedabucto CC executive and its members I thank you for enabling your child(ren) to partake in the great sport of curling, May you and your family have an enjoyable spring, summer and fall and join us in the winter of 2016 – 2017 for another winter of curling.

My sincere thanks and best regards to all.