One of our rink’s pressing issues deals with finding persons who can oversee the Juniors coaching and the Juniors’ team playing. Such individuals will need to go through the required screening as per the law before they can be involved with our rink’s youngsters.
Phil, due to work commitments, will not be as available as he has been over the past. With myself, due to my other responsibilities, I too will not be able to overseen the juniors but will assist when my time permits.
We need someone to oversee the Juniors’ league as well as people to volunteer and to seek out suitable individuals to provide Chedabucto’s Juniors with coaching and to have our Juniors involved in team games whether at our rink or elsewhere.
If you are available or know of someone who is, please contact that person first to ensure he/she is available and then forward his/her name to me with contact information so as to enable me to present your
recommendation(s) to our rink’s executive.
Juniors coaching is an item on our rink’s semi-annual general meeting’s agenda scheduled for October 25 at 6:30.
Best regards on this lovely autumn day.