Expansion/renovation meeting this Wednesday, the 12th, at 7:00 PM….

My sincere apology for being a pest during Holy Week but, with last week’s membership approval to move immediately into our rink’s expansion/renovation project, our timing is critical so as to permit construction to begin ASAP. (I realize that this holy time of year will impact some for their availability to attend.)

This Wednesday at 7:00 PM there will be a meeting of the expansion/renovation committee, with executive members partaking and whomever else is able to attend. We will not be hashing over the existing plans; they have been approved as of last week.

Since last week’s general meeting, Micheal Peters and I have inspected the trusses over the club room in the rink’s attic. Peter Avery, MODG Building Inspector, was at the rink today along with George Luddington, Maurice Landry and myself. I have been in communication with Efficiency Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Health and Wellness, the RBC and Angie Travares.

My thought for this Wednesday is to bring you updates, to start getting our expansion/renovation deadlines detailed and to commence our plans for fund-raising. I don’t intend to continue to have large-attendance meetings. Smaller group can be focused on their specific tasks and report back to the main committee in a reasonable length of time.

As most of you know I am not a fan of long meetings therefore Wednesday’s meeting will be concluded by 8:30 PM or earlier. If there are still items to discuss we — who are all volunteers — will move them to our next scheduled meeting.

I hope to see a good turnout this week.    Again — I am sorry for being a pest during Holy Week.
