If you do not want to receive the 50/50 winnings….

If you do not want to receive the Chedabucto Curling Club’s 50/50
winnings, what I have been doing is suggesting the ticket buyers put a
non-profit’s name on the tickets. Thus far we have tickets for this
Saturday’s draw designated to GOALS and the school’s breakfast program.

A three-ticket book is only the tiny sum of $5.00 and its winnings would
definitely assist the non-profit of your choice should you prefer to not
receive the winning amount. The non-profit benefits from your support
due to the 50% of purchases as does the Chedabucto Curling Club.

If you want to send me the money for this Saturday’s draw or for our
next four draws, I will include you with the other prepaid books and
enter the books as per your directions on your behalf. Tickets are
available via me, other members or at the Chedabucto CC.

Thank you,
Ray, PO Box 44, Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0.