Pricing from the Curling Store…

The email below is just in from the Curling store. In the past years you, as a member, ordered through the club via me and got the ‘List’ price. But as we found out later the ‘List’ price is to benefit the club to save money. So we then added a % to the List price a couple of years ago. Last year, we, as a club, paid the list price and the members paid the MRSP. So generally there is no savings for you to order through the club but it does save you a trip to Halifax and at the same time make some money for the club. So take a look at the attachments provided and if you are in need of any equipment especially grippers, which should be replaced every year, then let me know on or before the season starts.


Hi Everyone,

We are back and looking forward to the upcoming season. We have been in the store for much of the past two weeks getting ready. I hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to the upcoming season. I spent most of my summer camping and playing golf. Our retail store will be open for the season on Tuesday September 7.

Attached is the Goldline e-Catalog, the Goldline price-list, and our own Curling Store price-list. Goldline has offered a free gripper with every pair of shoes purchased prior to September 1. We will extend that to your first order of the year. 

Let me know if you would like a hard copy of the Goldline Catalog and I will send one along.

New In Stock items:

**BalancePlus 702 Shoes with a 1/8″ split slider with retail price $169.95.This shoe is exclusive to The Curling Store and cannot be purchased anywhere else!

**BalancePlus Litespeed new Chrome colors available.

**Goldline Breeze with a 3/32″ split slider with retail price $154.95 added to our in stock lineup.

A note on Wholesale Pricing:

Wholesale pricing is to be used by Club/Pro Shop Manager’s or an assigned Club representative. Our goal with wholesale pricing is to assist in generating revenue for curling clubs to support ongoing operations. Customers who are serviced in our store are not eligible for Wholesale pricing. If your customers wish to view product at The Curling Store in store or online and order from you, that is not a problem, but the order needs to come from the assigned representative at your club. The customer cannot leave our store with the product on the day they visit and we will not discuss our wholesale pricing program as it is up to each club to set their own prices. We are able to offer discounted pricing to clubs as the orders are generally larger, can be packed during non peak times, and we are not servicing the customer. Please set customer expectations appropriately to avoid confusion.

Happy Curling!


Scott Bowers

Toll Free: 1-833-404-3400
Store: 902-404-3400 
Mobile: 902-448-1841