Curling season to resume on Feb 14th…

Hi all:  Remember me, the guy that has been delivering all the bad news.  Well today I have good news.  As of Feb 14th we will be back curling.
Here is what is happening with the day league:
**  Games will start Monday Feb. 14th.
**  Gerry, Neil, and Donnie have been making up new teams and schedules and you will be hearing from your new skips on times and schedules.
**  Same rules as before Christmas when we had to wear masks in the lounge/changing areas.
Night league will start on Tuesday night with the same teams prior to shutdown and the schedule staying the same.  In other words, if your team is scheduled to play on Tuesday Feb. 15th then game on.  The games that we missed out on are forgotten and will not be made up.
Also,  George and Phil will start getting the ice ready on Friday, therefore the ice cannot be used until Sunday.  If anyone was thinking of going on Sunday to throw some stones, please contact either myself, George or Phil prior to going to make sure the ice is ready.
In closing, I know we missed out on some spiels.  Phil and his committee are trying to put together a plan to get as many as possible scheduled between  now and year end.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.