Our annual MacLeod Lorway Ladies FUNspiel has come to an end. A total of 6 ladies teams competed with 2 teams going undefeated, Team Jamieson and Team Connolly. In the end Team Jamieson ended up with 7 more pts to win the championship. This was Evelyne’s 2nd win in a row. Team Wright ended up in 3rd place with Team Pyle in 4th. Team MacDonald was 5th and Team Hadley 6th. A huge thank you goes out to MacLeod Lorway who donated $$ that was used to purchase prizes for the ladies and the cost of food for lunch. Others that donated prizes were Cutting Loose Hair Design, Guysborough PharmaChoice, Chedabucto Home Hardware. MODG, Mary E. A. Connolly with ‘Mary K’ products, and Diedre O’Connor Massage. Flowers for the winners came from Rose’s Flowers and the gift certificates from Hart’s Grocery. Our closest to the pin winner was Ruth Gunn who was 1″ from the pin (Sponsor prize from Diedre O’Connor Massage. We also had a Hog Line winner in Elaine Wescott (Sponsor prize from Cutting Loose). I’d would like to thank Nancy and Mary who went out and took care of getting the prizes, Maurice, Phil, & George N. who helped in the kitchen and bar, plus George L. & Phil who helped out with ice prep. Next up is the Edgar Sceles Memorial on April 8-10.