The Chedabucto CC AGM is being held this Tuesday, April 12, 2016, in the rink at 6:30 PM. In order to conduct the meeting’s business we must have a quorum of 7 or more CCC members.
Depending on whether or not there are additional items added to the Club’s April 12th’s AGM’s agenda with the approval of those in attendance, I anticipate a brief meeting.
In addition to seeking approval of the Club’s October 5, 2015, Semi-AGM’s minutes, as attached to this email, the two items on the agenda at this time are the Treasurer’s financial statement and the nomination committee’s recommendations for the 2016 – 2017 Executive members.The nomination committee has a full slate of officers to nominate but I will be asking for nominations from the floor as per procedure. The officers as elected on April 12, as per the Club’s By-laws, will assume the responsibilities of their duties on May 30, 2016.
Best regards,