The Memorial Bonspiel — in memory of the many people who enabled the Chedabucto Curling Club to exist — is this Friday night and Saturday day.
We will be having snacks and munchies on Friday night (free) with muffins, biscuits, tea and coffee on Saturday morning ($1.00). The Saturday lunch will be delicious newly-made lasagna plus a fresh roll
($4.00 total); both created by Days Gone By Bakery.
We need donated munchies and snacks for Friday evening that will be offered at no cost to those in attendance. If you can provide something for Friday night and/or the Saturday coffee/tea/snacks please do.
On Saturday morning we want to have muffins, biscuits, etc. available with coffee or tea. Please donate something for Saturday morning so the rink will make some profit to cover the milk, cups, etc. The charge will be a loonie ($1.00) for the Saturday morning tea/coffee/snack. (The executive was directed by the membership at last October’s semi-AGM to charge for bonspiels’ muffins/ biscuits and hot beverages.)
Thank you
Here are the team list and schedule for the weekend: