Well another successful bonspiel has come and gone. This past weekend we had our annual Memorial Bonspiel with 7 teams competing. Thank you to all who participated and came out to watch. Two teams were undefeated in all 3 of their games. But in the end it was Team Jamieson with more points than Team Connolly. In 3rd place with a 2-1 record was Team DeCoff. Thanks go out to Ray Bates for his efforts to fill the prize table with such short notice and to his efforts in our 50/50 prize. Thank you to Labatt Brewing Company, (Tim Macumber), Municipality of the District of Guysborough (Angie Tavares), Cook’s Gas Bar & Robin’s, Guysborough (Fraser Cook), Martin Marietta Materials Canada Ltd., Mulgrave (Mike Shea), Ross Screenprint, Antigonish (Simon Hillyard), and Central Home Improvements, Antigonish for their help with prizes and to Days Gone By Bakery, Guysborough (Katie Pellerin) for the great lasagna and rolls for lunch. Thanks to all who helped with the ice: Phil, George, Maurice, Wilfred, Gerry, and Brian. To the help with kitchen we would like to thank Phil, Maurice, Maureen, Marion, Holly, and Kay… thanks also to all who donated food and snacks for both Friday and Saturday. Much appreciated… Next up is the Cecil Boyd Trophy games vs Canso CC on Mar. 4th and 5th.