Here is a message from Andrew Paris to all Junior curlers:
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you’re enjoying your time away from the Curling rink.
Our Junior Development Program is coming back for the 2019/2020 season. This is our merit based badge program designed to get youth active, engaged and social while teaching them the rules and etiquette of curling. It can be used to help enhance the great work your program is already doing. During this past season, 12 clubs and over 400 junior curlers took part in this program. That’s almost double the amount of curlers from the previous season but we’re looking to grow the program even further. It is a free program and we provide all the books, worksheets and badges. Attached is a photo of the badges. If you would like more information regarding the program, let me know. If your club/program is interested in taking part, please let me know no later than July 22 so that we can ensure we can get everything ordered and sent to you prior to the fall.
For those clubs who took part in the program last season, we have ordered additional certificates and badges for each of the levels. If your club took part in the program and needs more badges, certificates or worksheets, please let me know no later than July 22.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Andrew Paris, 902-410-5391