Curling Club Update…

The curling season is over but your executive is still communicating
regarding curling club topics. The executive had planned — it seems
like a long time ago — to have the closing potluck dinner and awards
in April; however, that event is cancelled. I am hopeful that the
executive might be able be able to have its next meeting in May but that
is a wait-and-see event.

One of the topics the executive will be discussing is our Club’s AGM
which, as per our by-laws, is required to happen in May. I am going to
assume that the Club’s membership will not hold their executive in
violation for tentatively skipping a May AGM and instead will see the
logic, if necessary, in rolling that meeting onto a later date when we
are permitted to gather in larger groups.

The other topic in a wait-and-see mode is the timing of our annual
chicken BBQ and duckie race. Once the executive has had an opportunity
to consider the realities affecting the BBQ and duckie race, I will pass
on the executive’s recommendations to you.

Be safe and stay well,